I've searched on here plenty of places and I have not been able to find my situation, so here goes.

I am trying to avoid using the html inline onclick, so in doing so I am using the jquery click() like so


When I use this, the function game() runs automatically and only runs and load time.

If I use the inline onclick, it works only when I click, and it works every time I click. Why is this?

Edit.. I swear I tried that.. oh well, It worked!!!

6 Answers 6


You are calling the game() function and passing its result to .click(). Since its result is (presumably) not a function you have not actually set up a click handler at all. You need to pass a reference to the function, so remove the parentheses:

  • I will try and accept this answer tomorrow. Although for now I am not able to do so. Thanks!! Mar 12, 2014 at 20:27

You are executing game() immediately by adding the parenthesis. If you want game to be evaluated on click then you need


You need to change it to this:


Always more advisable to use .on & an anonymous function since it takes confusions like these out of the picture;

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('#start').on('click', function () {

What you're doing would be similar to

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('#start').on('click', function () {

Maybe youe need define game this way:

var game = function(e,...)


And remember the first parameter is the event object, passed from click function.



You could use a jquery function in a html element.

<canvas id="game" onclick="jqueryFunction()"></canvas>

In the jqueryFunction() make a if else statement so if game is running : fire.

else if game not running :load game.

  • I was trying to avoid that, although I don't really have any good reason to avoid it that I know of, but just trying different things out. Mar 13, 2014 at 12:25

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