
I'm loading UserControl(s) into a shell window using DataTemplate(s) (View Model First). How can I get a reference to the UserControl that is currently contained in that Window?

  • 1
    Why do you need the UserControl and not the ViewModel?
    – Barracoder
    Mar 13, 2014 at 13:17
  • when you do View Model First then you load a viewmodel(not a usercontrol) and bind it to a contentcontrol.content property. wpf do the rest and search for a datatemplate to show you your viewmodel within your usercontrol.
    – blindmeis
    Mar 13, 2014 at 13:57
  • Why down vote?? @ Mark Green: I need a referene to the user control because there's a strictly-UI operation that's need to be done- ONLY in the WPF client. @blindmeis: I know how things works in View Model First, and I still need to use the current user control.
    – Nir Smadar
    Mar 15, 2014 at 22:36
  • even with a datatemplate a usercontrol fires onload event. so who need a reference to the usercontrol?
    – blindmeis
    Mar 16, 2014 at 12:26
  • @blindmeis: It's not a question of why do I need the reference, or is it MVVM compatible- it's a question of how to get it. onload will not work here.
    – Nir Smadar
    Mar 17, 2014 at 7:03

1 Answer 1


You can grab current application window:

Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsActive);

And then you could check its content/children. But that will be breaking MVVM pattern which I guess you are trying to achieve. In cases where you need to hook up something to a usercontrol specific stuff, you should use interaction behaviors.

  • No good- those proprties will not give me the current user control. I'm fully aware that this breaks the pattern, but it's not a bad practice in this case- I need to perform a UI operation that's uniqe to the WPF client.
    – Nir Smadar
    Mar 15, 2014 at 22:40

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