<vcDataTable> is a table componnent created in react.

     <div id="app0"></div>
     <div id="app1"></div>


Invariant Violation: mountComponent(.r[2ly1s].[1].[0].[0].[3].[0].[1][0].[0], ...): Can only mount an unmounted component.

While rendering a data table component created in react. It works fine for all other components like form, tabs etc..

Please help me fix it.. what does this error mean ??

I am rendering the same component into two different div's. it shows me this error.

  • 2
    You probably keep a reference to one of your components and return it twice (the same instance) from render(). It's not a top level component it seems but somewhere deep down in the hierarchy.
    – andreypopp
    Mar 14, 2014 at 10:58
  • @andreypopp Thanks .. yeah Error was due to the image icon, which i passed in each row. Mar 18, 2014 at 10:28

1 Answer 1


You probably keep a reference to one of your components and return it twice (the same instance) from render(). It's not a top level component it seems but somewhere deep down in the hierarchy.

– andreypopp

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