I have 100+ Word documents each with 1000+ pictures. I need to "view" all of them one by one in a doc and also count the total number of pics in a document.

I tried using "Find Graphics" ---"^g". However it does not locate all the pics.

After experimentation, I realized that if a graphic's Wrap Text value is set to "In Line with Text" only then it is treated as a graphic and gets located in a Find!

Is there any way to locate all the pictures in a document one after the other and also get a count all of them in one document?

  • have you tried anything on your own, I mean record a macro or serach in internet for any solution? in general- there is InlineShapes and Shapes collection which you are looking for. Try with simple For each loop in reference to both type of shapes. And something more- please see this info for how to accept the answer(if applicable for any of your question) Mar 16, 2014 at 13:17

1 Answer 1


To view the total number of images in a document, you can use something like the following:

MsgBox ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count

A wrapper you could use to loop through them is:

For Each iShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

One option is to step into the macro and use F8 to step through the code.

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