I'm trying to create a query to show every content of a section in my CMS.

The relation is one to many, one content has many sections.

Now I create a section controller and in the show method i receive the params[:id] of a section.

I must select all the contents where the content.section_ids array include my params[:id]

I know how to create the inverse query (where ID in array), but I cannot find a solution for this.

My query is:

@contents = Content.published.recent.where("#{params[:id]} IN (?)", ...)


This is the relation.

I must select all the contents where the section is == to the section ID passed in my params.

class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :sections, as: :sectionable

class Section< ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :sectionable, polymorphic: true
  • it sounds like you've created a one-to-many relationship by making a Content have a section_ids field that's some kind of array or serialized array, rather than using a content_id foreign key on the sections table? Clearer information about the structure of your database is needed to adequately answer the question. What db are you even using?
    – gregates
    Mar 16, 2014 at 19:12

1 Answer 1

@contents = Content.published.recent.where(:id => params[:id])

Don't put params into where clause like ("id in (#{params[:id])") as it's vulnerable for sql injections. More details are here Rails SQL injection?

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