How can I retrieve the integer value from the QJsonValue object? Suppose that I have the following JSON data:

        "res": 1,
        "message": "Common error"

I need to extract the "res" value from this data, so I've tried to use the following code:

QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromJson(some_json_data.toUtf8());
QJsonObject root_object = d.object();
QJsonValue res = root_object.value("res");

But I've found that QJsonValue class doesn't have a member function toInt or something like this (there's toDouble, toString, etc only). What can I do in such a situation? What is the best way to extract integer values via QjsonValue class?

  • 1
    This is discussed here: qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/24013 Mar 18, 2014 at 9:15
  • so it comes down to: use a different json library, or change qt :)
    – melak47
    Mar 18, 2014 at 9:19
  • If you want int, what's the problem with just using QJsonValue::toDouble() and casting to int? If you wanted a 64 bit integer, that would be a problem.
    – hyde
    Mar 18, 2014 at 13:17

3 Answers 3


(tl;dr: a one-liner solution at the end of answer.)

First a comprehensive way giving you full control. Below code assumes int is enough range for your integers, but could be expanded to work for most of the range of int64_t (but better test the boundary cases to get it fully correct):

QJsonValue res = root_object.value("res");

int result = 0;
double tmp = res.toDouble();
if (tmp >= std::numeric_limits<int>::min() && // value is not too small
    tmp <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max() && // value is not too big
    std::floor(tmp) == tmp // value does not have decimals, if it's not ok
   ) {
    result = std::floor(tmp); // let's be specific about rounding, if decimals are ok
} else {
    // error handling if you are not fine with 0 as default  value

A shorter way using QVariant, and as an example also getting result into a larger integer type, if you just want to let Qt do it's thing. I'm not sure how it it handles integer values which are too big for a double to handle accurately, so again if that is important, better test.

QJsonValue res = root_object.value("res");

QVariant tmp = res.toVariant();

bool ok = false;
qlonglong result = tmp.toLongLong(&ok);

if (!ok) {
    // error handling if you are not fine with 0 as default value

or same as error-ignoring one-liner, change integer type as appropriate:

qlonglong result = root_object.value("res").toVariant().toLongLong();

int QJsonValue::toInt(int defaultValue = 0) const

Converts the value to an int and returns it.

If type() is not Double or the value is not a whole number, the defaultValue will be returned.

QByteArray JSettings::read_file(QString path)
    QFile file;
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
        return QByteArray();

    QByteArray barray = file.readAll();
    return barray;

QVariantMap JSettings::to_map(QByteArray json)
    QJsonDocument jdoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json);
    QVariantMap vmap = jdoc.toVariant().toMap();
    // qDebug() << vmap["res"].toInt();
    return vmap;

QJsonObject JSettings::to_object(QByteArray json)
    QJsonDocument jdoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json);
    QJsonObject obj = jdoc.object();
    // qDebug() << obj["res"].toInt();
    return obj;

Qt JSON portal: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/json.html

QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromJson(some_json_data.toUtf8());
QJsonObject root_object = d.object();
QJsonValue res = root_object.value("res");
int i = res.toString().toInt();

this is working, QString to Int

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