I'm struggling to port javascript to dart..

My problem is how to create javascript object. original javascript code is

  function Beagle() {
    this.argv_ = null;
    this.io = null;
  Beagle.prototype.run = function() {
    this.io = this.argv_.io.push();

Now I have Beagle object. and it should be context['Beagle'] maybe?

how can I create javascript obejct?? and with prototype?

1 Answer 1


You are correct that Beagle should be available at context['Beagle']. To create a new instance from Dart you need to use the JsObject constructor:

var beagle = new JsObject(context['Beagle']);

Once you do that you can call run with the callMethod method:

  • ok, then how can I create Beagle.prototype.run ? does it same rule? context['Beagle']['prototype']['run'] = new JsObject(...)? or prototype has different rule? Mar 22, 2014 at 1:20
  • 1
    I don't understand your question. Given the above JavaScript, the Dart I showed you is how you access it. Are you looking to define your JavaScript prototype from Dart? It's doable, but unless there's a very good reason, I'd keep your JavaScript in JavaScript. Mar 22, 2014 at 4:04

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