To switch between single and double precision in C we use something like:

typedef double data_t;
typedef float data_t;

Is there an easy way to perform the same thing so that I can easily switch between the two in VBA?


2 Answers 2


In VBS, user defined types are abstracted as Classes. For e.g.

Public Const PRECISION = 1

Class data_t
    Private dValue

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        dValue = 0
    End Sub

    Public Property Get Value 'inside out
        Value = dValue
    End Property

    Public Property Let Value(val) 'outside in
        If PRECISION = 1 Then
            dValue = CSng(val)
            dValue = CDbl(val)
        End If
    End Property    
End Class

Set obj = New data_t
obj.Value = 0.00000011920928955078125
Msgbox obj.Value

If PRECISION = 1, the output would be 1.192093E-07

Else the output would be 1.19209289550781E-07

You can easily modify the above code in VBA by adding a class module.

  • This is a nice solution but is it efficient performance-wise?
    – z̫͋
    Apr 1, 2014 at 14:48
  • Its as efficient (or inefficient) as creating/using any object. Apr 1, 2014 at 15:53

This works nearly the same in VBA:

#Const USE_DOUBLE = False

    Public data As Integer
    Public data As Double
#End If

The # stands for conditional compilation.

  • It's not exactly the same, using this code I would have to put this condition on every variable, whereas in C I put the condition once on the type declaration and declare the variables as type "data"
    – z̫͋
    Apr 1, 2014 at 11:37
  • Oh, yeah I misunderstood your code. But still, this is the only way that works in VBA... Apr 1, 2014 at 11:41

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