When I search YouTube for videos with something like:

var SearchUri = string.Format("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q={0}", searchText);

the response contains entries for 25 videos.

How can I retrieve the entries for remaining videos?


2 Answers 2


I wonder if there's a problem in v2 API.

Use V3 of youtube API

try this


Refer this Link


From YouTube API v2.0 – API Query Parameters


The max-results parameter specifies the maximum number of results that should be included in the result set. This parameter works in conjunction with the start-index parameter to determine which results to return. For example, to request the second set of 10 results – i.e. results 11-20 – set the max-results parameter to 10 and the start-index parameter to 11. The default value of this parameter is 25, and the maximum value is 50. However, for displaying lists of videos, we recommend that you set the max-results parameter to 10.


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