How does one pass a Simulink.Parameter structure (which, in my case, is a structure of structures) to a C S-function?


Information on Simulink.Parameter

You can create a Simulink.Parameter object this way:

modelParameters = Simulink.Parameter;
modelParameters.Value = myStruct;
modelParameters.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';

The myStruct value is a regular matlab structure of structures. This is how it looks in my case: enter image description here

This is a special object type for passing parameters to Simulink and I am looking for a mechanism to access it from a C S-function.

Download a MnWE from here.

Edit 2: I read the parameters this way:

modelParameters_T *modelParameters = (modelParameters_T*)mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S, PARAM_STRUCT));

But I can see why this approach doesn't work - the structure object from Matlab is not similar to a C structure, i.e. is not contiguous in memory and contains other properties too. I think I will cast the Matlab structure to an array and then cast the array in C to my struct definition.

  • You can pass a parameter through the block mask into the S-Function, but I'm not sure how that works with hierarchical Simulink.Parameters (I guess you mean with Bus Object type).
    – pmb
    Apr 4, 2014 at 14:33
  • @pmb There's Simulink.Parameter data type. I passed that one through the S-function block mask but then how do I read it in C code? I don't think it's a contiguous memory block because getting a pointer to it and reading the first double does not give the right value.
    – remus
    Apr 4, 2014 at 17:13
  • But the type of your Simulink.Parameter is a Bus Object type... I'm not sure why that doesn't work. I thought Bus Objects were simple C structures.
    – pmb
    Apr 7, 2014 at 6:53
  • You can pass busses as inputs but not as parameters. When setting a bus object as input you have to use ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, INPUT_PORT_BUS, true); and then you can cast it to a C struct. By defualt these busses are not contiguous in memory. Anyway, I couldn't find function to set the parameters as memory contiguous.
    – remus
    Apr 7, 2014 at 7:07
  • This diverges a bit from your question, but could you post a screenshot of the properties of your Simulink.Parameter struct of structs? I don't quite understand how you did this without Bus Objects (and I'd be interested in using it too!).
    – pmb
    Apr 7, 2014 at 7:57

1 Answer 1


mxGetPr is not the right way to access your parameter which is an object type. It is not a struct type. Even if it is a struct type you need to use mxArray API to access struct fields. You need to use something like the following code to access the fields.

mxArray* param = ssGetSFcnParam(S, PARAM_STRUCT);
mxArray* prop = mxGetProperty(param, 0, "Value"); // Get Value property from param object
// If prop is double precision use the following line to get its value
double* prop = *(mxGetPr(prop));

Check out mxArray API in the doc for accessing different types of mxArrays.

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