Please have a look at the following code

private StringBuffer populateStringWithUnmatchingWords(ArrayList<String>unmatchingWordsHolder)
        StringBuffer unMatchingWordsStr = new StringBuffer("");

        for(int u=0;u<unmatchingWordsHolder.size();u++)
             Iterator iterInWordMap = wordMap.entrySet().iterator();

                 Map.Entry mEntry = (Map.Entry)iterInWordMap.next();

                       //out.println(matchingWords.get(m)+" : "+true);

        return unMatchingWordsStr;

This for loop takes 8387ms to complete. The unmatchingWordsHolder is pretty big too. wordMap is a HashMap and contains somewhat around 5000 elements as well.

This loop will search whether elements in unmatchingWordsHolder are available in wordMap. If they are available, then they will be loaded into unMatchingWordsStr.

Is there any way for me to speed up this task?

  • Can you provide the code used to time this method running, so that we can confirm any proposed solutions are an improvement or not.
    – Edd
    Apr 4, 2014 at 15:39
  • You should provide sample input or code to generate input to make it easier for someone to test.
    – MxLDevs
    Apr 4, 2014 at 15:46
  • you should store unmatchingWordsHolder.size() in a variable instead of computing it at each step of your for loop. Apr 4, 2014 at 15:48
  • The biggest problem is you're iterating through the map rather than using contains(), but you should also use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer - the former doesn't contain any unnecessary synchronisation when just using it on one thread, so is marginally faster. Apr 4, 2014 at 15:49
  • @ArnaudDenoyelle: The size() method of ArrayList takes constant time. That's not the bottleneck. Apr 4, 2014 at 15:50

3 Answers 3


Does using Collection.contains() help at all? That would be much more readable, if nothing else, to my mind. It depends on the relative sizes of the List and the Map though, as the easiest way to do it would be something like this, although since you're iterating over the Map and doing the lookup on the List, if the Map is far larger than the List this isn't going to be ideal:

private StringBuffer populateStringWithUnmatchingWords(ArrayList<String>unmatchingWordsHolder) {
    StringBuffer unMatchingWordsStr = new StringBuffer();

    for (Entry<String, String> entry : wordMap.entrySet()) {
        if(unmatchingWordsHolder.contains(entry.getValue())) {
            //out.println(matchingWords.get(m)+" : "+true);
    return unMatchingWordsStr;

As noted elsewhere, if you don't need thread safety, StringBuilder is generally preferred to StringBuffer, but I didn't want to mess with your method signatures.

  • Why not check the other way around? I mean, use: wordMap.contains(word) where word is a word from the iterable unmatchingWordsHolder list. That would be much faster. Apr 4, 2014 at 16:25
  • Hi, the code has errors. IDE says for-each not applicable to expression type required: array or java.lang.Iterable found: HashMap
    – PeakGen
    Apr 4, 2014 at 16:42
  • Thanks for the reply. Problem here is that I need to pass the "value" to get the "key" in this map. Because what I need is located in "Key" not in "value".
    – PeakGen
    Apr 4, 2014 at 17:22
  • @AmanAgnihotri I did originally look at doing it that way round, but then the issue is looking up the key from a value is O(n), so without using a bi-directional map of some sort I figured this way was probably easier.
    – Edd
    Apr 4, 2014 at 18:23
  • @GloryOfSuccess Fixed now - Should have read for (Entry<String, String> entry : wordMap.entrySet()) {
    – Edd
    Apr 4, 2014 at 18:24

You are iterating through every element in the Map. A better way to do this is to use a HashMap and use contains() to determine if it exists in the HashMap.

  • 1
    Thanks for the reply. Problem here is that I need to pass the "value" to get the "key" in this map. Because what I need is located in "Key" not in "value".
    – PeakGen
    Apr 4, 2014 at 17:21

Not sure if I got your problem statement correctly, but if you want to return a comma separated string of all the words that are found in another set of words then here's how you would do in Java 8:

private String populateContainedWords(List<String> words, Set<String> wordSet)
  StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ");


  return joiner.toString();

And if you only want to have distinct words in this comma separated string, then use the following approach:

private String populateDistinctlyContainedWords(List<String> words, Set<String> wordSet)
  StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ");


  return joiner.toString();

And if you want a comma separated string of words from the words list that are NOT contained in the wordSet then here's how that's done:

private String populateDisjointWords(List<String> words, Set<String> wordSet)
  StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ");

  words.stream().filter(n -> !wordSet.contains(n)).forEach(joiner::add);

  return joiner.toString();

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