
I'm writing an application that stores contest results of running a bunch of metrics. The results have these constraints:

  • A key "dq_reasons" refers to an array of strings
  • All other keys default to the Float 0.0

I like to make these constraints explicit using a custom ContestResult class. I want this class to be a Hash. I can subclass:

MyThing = Class.new(OtherThing)

but I heard subclassing core Ruby classes has downsides. What are my other options? How can I set up a class instance to be a Hash with a default value and preset a "dq_reasons" key to be an empty Array?

Current attempt:

class ContestResult < Hash
  extend Forwardable
  def_delegators :@data, :[], :[]=, :each
  def initialize(lyst)
    @data = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0.0}
    @data["dq_reasons"] = []
    lyst.each {|li| @data[li]}
  def inspect

Current functionality:

c = ContestResult.new([1,2,3])
# => {"dq_reasons"=>[], 1=>0.0, 2=>0.0, 3=>0.0} 
c[4] # => 0.0
c[3] = 34.5
c # => {"dq_reasons"=>[], 1=>0.0, 2=>0.0, 3=>34.5, 4=>0.0} 
  • A reason for the downvote would be appreciated
    – Brad Rice
    Apr 5, 2014 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


If I understand your problem correctly you can do

h = {"dq_reasons"=>[]}

and subsequently call Hash#fetch on that. You can provide it with a default value.

h.fetch(4, 0.0)

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