Thx to Claus i got a wire tap working using a bean. But is there a way to give it a parameter (probably via header?)? In my case i would like to specify a file for output.

2 Answers 2


You can pass headers as parameters into your bean method, so for example if you have a header called "fileName":

public class WireTap {

    public PcrfEdrPostpaidWireTap(){
        System.out.println("wiretap constructor called");

    public void handleBody(String body, @Header("fileName") String fileName){

        System.out.println("Wiretap says:" + body + " and the fileName is: "+fileName);

More info can be found here: https://camel.apache.org/bean-binding.html and here http://camel.apache.org/parameter-binding-annotations.html

EDIT: To set a header you can use this:

<setHeader headerName="fileName">

You would do this before performing the wireTap


Use camel annotations to inject parameter values while doing bean invocation

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