i was wondering if i can get the new emails data and put it in a spreadsheet .. the reason i'm making this is i need to track response time with custom search criteria like "FROM:([email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected]) ("done" OR "file") has:attachment". and if the search have a new email i need to return it to a new row in the sheet within functions for the required ranges.

Here is a link that describe what i need to do https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRrB8JSR1lVHGhjBd5-BU9XxkuaBZPG_MwVq5uEiioE/edit?usp=sharing


1 Answer 1


You can use GmailApp.search('Your_serach_criteria'). This will return an array of Gmail Threads which then you can iterate for messages and extract the required information and put in spreadsheet.

  • glad you answered my question, however, i'm not good enough with google API to make the script, can you please write an example for the function here. also, i don't wanna to array all the emails that fit the criteria i need the new ones only, like an automated way to collect each mail information. Appreciated Apr 8, 2014 at 22:01

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