Given this code:

$('#slider').css('-webkit-transform', 'translate(-=950px)');

It won't do anything. If I manually set the value of translate to for example -1000px, executing the above code just removes the property completely, as if there was an error parsing it.

Is incrementing or decrementing property value actually possible with CSS transforms?

  • Well in these three above nobody mentions the -= jQuery "helper" in the question so... doesn't really answers my question Apr 8, 2014 at 15:48
  • First line in the first linked duplicate: "As far as I know, basic animates can't animate non-numeric CSS properties." Apr 8, 2014 at 15:49
  • Doesn't matter if you're using -= or not, you can't .animate() the transform property, not without some hack (e.g. step function). Apr 8, 2014 at 15:50
  • I'm not using .animate(). I'm changing the css value directly and a -webkit-transition is taking care of the animation. Apr 8, 2014 at 16:46
  • Oh okay then, guess it is not a duplicate. Though relative incrementors won't work with non-numeric/non-px units afaik. You could always retrieve the current value, parse it and increment -- it is more ugly, but works. Apr 8, 2014 at 16:49

3 Answers 3


jQuery's += and -= CSS relative numeric values are only valid at the beginning of the value.

jQuery 1.8+ auto-detects vendor prefixes when the non-prefixed property is not available, so you don't need CSS vendor prefixes in the jQuery code¹.

Seems like CSSOM getComputedStyle API (used internally by jQuery's .css() getter) always returns a matrix for the transform property, so let's make use of it:

var $el = $('#slider');

var matrix = $.map(
    $el.css('transform') //get computed transform value, e.g.: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 1000, 0)
        .slice(7, -1)    //strip leading "matrix(" and trailing ")"
        .split(', '),    //split values into an array
    Number //map to numbers

//[4] is the translateX
matrix[4] -= 950;

$el.css('transform', 'matrix(' + matrix.join(', ') + ')');

Fiddle - Tested in Chrome 33, Firefox 28, IE 10

Note: .css('transform') will return undefined in browsers which don't support CSS3, you may wrap this code in a feature test to don't throw an error when older browsers are concerned.

Reference - W3C Recommendation - Coordinate Systems, Transformations and Units:

  • Translation is equivalent to the matrix

    Translation matrix

    Or [1 0 0 1 tx ty], where tx and ty are the distances to translate coordinates in X and Y, respectively.

Luckily translate is easy enough to manipulate. Other transforms such as rotate require some maths -- see CSS Tricks - Get Value of CSS Rotation through JavaScript.

¹ Save for a very few exceptions, the filter property is bugged in Chrome and fails jQuery's auto-detection.

  • Thanks for this comprehensive answer! Very clear now :) Apr 9, 2014 at 14:50

No, it's not possible.

Don't confuse CSS with jQuery helpers.

  • I know it's not possible in CSS, but jQuery does it perfectly with margin-left, for instance... I was just wondering if it did the same for more complex CSS values than mere pixel values Apr 8, 2014 at 15:42
  • My mistake, I didn't even know jQuery could do that outside animate.
    – MatTheCat
    Apr 9, 2014 at 8:34

Use webkitTransform in your JS instead of -webkit-transform.

Also, you can't add or subtract from the current value of translate, since you can't get the value of translate with JS/jQuery. Either add a class in CSS and use addClass/.removeClass, or set a single number of px.

  • Thank you, I'll just supply a static number to translate. Out of curiosity, what's the advantage of webkitTransform vs -webkit-transform in my Javascript? Apr 8, 2014 at 15:43
  • webkitTransform is the JS name for -webkit-transform. Similar rules apply to all CSS properties with a - in them. e.g., border-radius becomes borderRadius.
    – Mooseman
    Apr 8, 2014 at 15:45

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