I'm using the Struts 2 framework. I have an action class and a JSP page. The class has the following two methods:

public String foo(String s)
    return s + s;

public String bar(SomeEnumClass EnumType)
         //Return a string depending on the type. 

I can call the first method using this in my .JSP file:

<s:property value="%{foo('some string here')}"/>

and it will correctly return to my .JSP:

some string heresome string here

I'm now trying to figure out how to call the second method. How can I let Struts 2 know the "string" EnumTypeA should be typecasted to the corresponding EnumType?

<s:property value="%{bar('EnumTypeA')}"/>

Struts offers a lot of built-in type conversion, but string to enum doesn't appear to be one of them?

1 Answer 1


You can access enum from JSP using following notation:

<s:property value="bar(@package.SomeEnumClass@EnumTypeA)"/>
  • Worked perfectly! Just for reference for future readers: Do you need to add this line to struts.xml or not? <constant name="struts.ognl.allowStaticMethodAccess" value="true"/> Apr 9, 2014 at 17:33
  • For accessing enum you don't need to enable struts.ognl.allowStaticMethodAccess. Apr 9, 2014 at 17:35

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