So, I can do:

>>> '%.4x' % 0x45f

But I need to pass 4 from variable, smth like

>>> digits=4
>>> '%.'+str(digits)+'x' % 0x45f
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

1 Answer 1


The % operator has a higher precedence than +, so you need to put the first part in parenthesis:

>>> digits = 4
>>> ('%.'+str(digits)+'x') % 0x45f

Otherwise, 'x' % 0x45f will be evaluated first.

However, the modern approach is to use str.format for string formatting operations:

>>> digits = 4
>>> "{:0{}x}".format(0x45f, digits)

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