I'm having a problem calling a function after appending text in order to have the #line2 fadeIn nicely. If I run this code, everything after.append is printed as text, including the second nested function. http://jsfiddle.net/jJyL4/1/

$("#line2").append("<div id='normal-text'></div>") {
        opacity: 1
    }, 1500);

3 Answers 3



.fadeIn() function will automatically set opacity property to 1, you can just set duration.


try this:

$("#line2").append("<div id='normal-text'></div>");
$("#line2").text("SOMETEXT").fadeIn({opacity: 1}, 1500);

Working Demo


Your syntax is incorrect, you can't write

$("#line2").append(...) { ... });

The bold part there is not allowed in JavaScript.

Now, if you have this HTML:

    <div id="normal-text">TEXT</div>
    <div id="line2"></div>

The problem is that after calling

$("#line2").append("<div id='normal-text'></div>");

You will end up with this:

    <div id="normal-text">TEXT</div>
    <div id="line2">
        <div id="normal-text">TEXT</div>

I'm not sure you want that. Maybe this is what you're looking for:



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