I'm using an UI sortable with in each item a delete button. Here is the delete function:


The div get's removed as I want to, but there is no update data sent to PHP.. So my script won't save the order and deleted item..

Here is my initSortable(); function:

function initSortable() {
    $( ".sortable" ).sortable({
        items: '.grid_3_b, .dropable',
        connectWith: ".sortable",
        placeholder: "placeholder",
        remove: function(event, ui) {
            if(!$('div', this).length) {
        receive: function(event, ui) {
            if( $(this).hasClass( "dropable" ) ) {
                if( $(this).hasClass( "gallery__item--active" ) ) {
                    $(this).before( "<div class=\"dropable gallery__item sortable\"></div>" );
                    $(this).after( "<div class=\"dropable gallery__item sortable\"></div>" );

        update : function () {
            var neworder = new Array();
            $('.sortable').each(function() {
                var id  = $(this).attr("id");
                var pusharray = new Array();
                $('#' + id).children('div').each(function () {
                    var art = $(this).attr("data-art");
                    var pos = $(this).attr("data-pos");
                    pusharray.push( {data:{'art':art, 'pos':pos}} );
                neworder.push({'id':id, 'articles':pusharray});

            $.post("example.php",{'neworder': neworder},function(data){});


Also, the remove function normally deletes a column when it's empty, but doesn't work when deleted the latest item in the column.. Is this because the update trigger isn't called?


1 Answer 1


For manually triggering events in jquery-ui sortable, instead of specifying the handler in options object, you need to bind the event handler after sortable initialization.

For example the following will not work

  update: function () {
    console.log('update called');
$('ul').trigger('sortupdate'); // doesn't work

Following works

   console.log('update called');
$('ul').trigger('sortupdate'); // logs update called.


  • 2
    You're awesome, thanks for taking the effort of answering this old question! Jun 30, 2014 at 8:11
  • Hmm I have no idea. It was simply implemented like that by someone someday, or maybe proper callback is a missing feature
    – T J
    Mar 19, 2020 at 12:11

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