How would you succinctly assert the equality of Collection elements, specifically a Set in JUnit 4?


11 Answers 11


You can assert that the two Sets are equal to one another, which invokes the Set equals() method.

public class SimpleTest {

    private Set<String> setA;
    private Set<String> setB;

    public void setUp() {
        setA = new HashSet<String>();
        setB = new HashSet<String>();

    public void testEqualSets() {
        assertEquals( setA, setB );

This @Test will pass if the two Sets are the same size and contain the same elements.

  • 8
    This does not display very good results in the report. If your toStrings are clearly defined it is better, but still not good (A small difference can end up with a page of text)
    – Bill K
    Sep 17, 2012 at 18:13
  • Uhm, how come I get: java.lang.AssertionError: expected: java.util.Hashtable<{CompanyName=8PKQ9va3nW8pRWb4SjPF2DvdQDBmlZ, Ric=sZwmXAdYKv, Category=AvrIfd, QuoteId=4342740204922826921}> but was: java.util.Hashtable<{CompanyName=8PKQ9va3nW8pRWb4SjPF2DvdQDBmlZ, Ric=sZwmXAdYKv, Category=AvrIfd, QuoteId=4342740204922826921}> Mar 28, 2013 at 15:27
  • 4
    @Giodude Do you have equals and hashCode implemented in the class that you're storing in your Hashtable? Mar 28, 2013 at 15:40
  • As you can see those are just strings and a long... I'm testing Avro to serialize and de-serialize a map and that's the result. I think there's gotta be something fishy going on with the way the strings are serialized and de-serialized that makes the test fail but I can't seem to find the problem. Mar 28, 2013 at 17:35
  • Didn't work for me even though I am comparing two HashSet<Long>. @MattFriedman answer actually works for my use case. Nov 6, 2014 at 0:28

Apache commons to the rescue again.

assertTrue(CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(coll1, coll2));

Works like a charm. I don't know why but I found that with collections the following assertEquals(coll1, coll2) doesn't always work. In the case where it failed for me I had two collections backed by Sets. Neither hamcrest nor junit would say the collections were equal even though I knew for sure that they were. Using CollectionUtils it works perfectly.

  • 22
    This is actually trivial, the tricky part is to clearly indicate the difference to the caller
    – Bill K
    Sep 17, 2012 at 18:15
  • 2
    The accepted answer is a good answer for the original question (unit test specifically for two Sets) but this answer with CollectionUtils is I think a better answer for the most general case. I wasn't able to compare a Collection and a Set unless using CollectionUtils.
    – Jason
    Mar 15, 2017 at 9:46

with hamcrest:

assertThat(s1, is(s2));

with plain assert:

assertEquals(s1, s2);

NB:t the equals() method of the concrete set class is used

  • 1
    I prefer this method since Hamcrest comes with JUnit 4 so it is all there no need for other libraries.
    – JRSofty
    Jan 25, 2016 at 13:19
  • 2
    This might not work when the sets have different types. May 24, 2017 at 15:51

A particularly interesting case is when you compare

   java.util.Arrays$ArrayList<[[name,value,type], [name1,value1,type1]]> 


   java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection<[[name,value,type], [name1,value1,type1]]>

So far, the only solution I see is to change both of them into sets

assertEquals(new HashSet<CustomAttribute>(customAttributes), new HashSet<CustomAttribute>(result.getCustomAttributes()));

Or I could compare them element by element.

  • Actually, there are several solutions for that presented in the other answers. Sets are a bit unfortunate for this, anyway, since they ignore the order. Perhaps ArrayList? May 24, 2017 at 15:46

As an additional method that is array based ... you can consider using unordered array assertions in junitx . Although the Apache CollectionUtils example will work, there is a pacakge of solid assertion extensions there as well :

I think that the

ArrayAssert.assertEquivalenceArrays(new Integer[]{1,2,3}, new Integer[]{1,3,2});

approach will be much more readable and debuggable for you (all Collections support toArray(), so it should be easy enough to use the ArrayAssert methods.

Of course the downside here is that, junitx is an additional jar file or maven entry...

 <dependency org="junit-addons" name="junit-addons" rev="1.4"/>

Check this article. One example from there:

public void listEquality() {  
    List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<Integer>();  

    List<Integer> actual = new ArrayList<Integer>();  

    assertEquals(expected, actual);  
  • short but great Link, explains really fast what you can do with Junit4-
    – Johannes
    Jan 28, 2013 at 10:38
  • 1
    The link is broken. Any chance you can find an archived version online or summarize its contents?
    – pzp
    Nov 20, 2017 at 18:08

Using Hamcrest:

assertThat( set1, both(everyItem(isIn(set2))).and(containsInAnyOrder(set1)));

This works also when the sets have different datatypes, and reports on the difference instead of just failing.

  • 2
    What is the import for isIn? IntelliJ can't resolve the import with any hamcret package.
    – fabien
    Dec 10, 2017 at 18:09

I like the solution of Hans-Peter Störr... But I think it is not quite correct. Sadly containsInAnyOrder does not accept a Collection of objetcs to compare to. So it has to be a Collection of Matchers:

assertThat(set1, containsInAnyOrder(set2.stream().map(IsEqual::equalTo).collect(toList())))

The import are:

import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

You can do it like that ->


If you want to check whether a List or Set contains a set of specific values (instead of comparing it with an already existing collection), often the toString method of collections is handy:

String[] actualResult = calltestedmethod();
assertEquals("[foo, bar]", Arrays.asList(actualResult).toString());

List otherResult = callothertestedmethod();
assertEquals("[42, mice]", otherResult.toString());

This is a bit shorter than first constructing the expected collection and comparing it with the actual collection, and easier to write and correct.

(Admittedly, this is not a particularily clean method, and can't distinguish an element "foo, bar" from two elements "foo" and "bar". But in practice I think it's most important that it's easy and fast to write tests, otherwise many developers just won't without being pressed.)

  • This makes the result of your unit test depend on the implementation of toString from list. If they decide to change the formatting the unit test wont work anymore. I would not consider this safe. Mar 24, 2017 at 11:36
  • @LaurensOp'tZandt You mean Oracle changing the format of Collection.toList()? That's certainly not going to happen. You are, however, right that's not particularily clean. But in practice, my impression that it's most important that it is very easy to write tests. Mar 25, 2017 at 19:13
  • I agree, I think the toString method won't likely chance. So probably it will keep working. I just wanted to point out that its not a very clean way. But indeed it is very easy. One problem that arises is when comparing sets. Since their order is not guaranteed. Mar 26, 2017 at 19:57

containsInAnyOrder() - help me.


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