I am using the following code to store username ('pqr') value in rootscope but it is scoped by $http.get mehtod

angular.module('myApp').run(function ($rootScope,$http) {
    $rootScope.username = 'abc';
        .success(function(data) {
            console.log("logged in user is: "+data);
            $rootScope.username = data;
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next) {
    console.log("logged in user after setting: " + $rootScope.username);

The console log outputs are:

logged in user is: pqr
logged in user after setting: abc

How can I set the $rootScope.username to pqr out of scope of $http.get method

EDIT: Added closing brackets.

  • 3
    Its async..... you are logging before setting.
    – Nix
    Apr 18, 2014 at 13:27
  • Your code snippet is missing brackets
    – Tim
    Apr 18, 2014 at 13:29
  • Yes, I was counting on to assume the syntax is correct.
    – pbd
    Apr 18, 2014 at 13:30

1 Answer 1


This should be closed, because its an async issue... run this code and you will see.

angular.module('myApp').run(function ($rootScope,$http) {
 $rootScope.username = 'abc';
 var $promise = $http.get('/api/getuser')
    .success(function(data) {
      console.log("logged in user is: "+data);
      $rootScope.username = data;
 $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next) {

     console.log("logged in user after setting: "+$rootScope.username);

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