I am using fabric js, i use the following function to put an image on canvas, when i click on canvas an image is put on that location, i want to know if there is way that i can check weather there is something already present at location where i am clicking especially if there is another image or not

  document.getElementById("door").onclick = function () {

            canvas.on('mouse:down', function (o) {
                fabric.Image.fromURL('http://localhost:60099/Images/door.png', function (img) {
                    var pointer = canvas.getPointer(o.e);

                    logo = img.set({ left: pointer.x , top: pointer.y  })

                    canvas.item(objC).lockMovementY = true;
                    canvas.item(objC).lockMovementX = true;



  • can you share your fiddle
    – Dakshika
    Apr 25, 2014 at 4:15

1 Answer 1


Collisions can be detected with the fabric.js 'intersectsWithObject' function. Consider their 'intersection' example:


  • This is useful, however it's only rudimentary collision detection based on bounding box. "Note that intersection is checked against bounding boxes, not actual shapes". e.g. A collision won't occur along the curved edge of a circle, as most ppl would desire.
    – Kalnode
    May 3, 2023 at 16:00

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