Here is my problem:

I have a list of Numbers: 183 rows in total (in csv file or txt file)





I need to take one row of 15 digits and replace the variable: %VariableUID in this file, continually to all rows of digits and variables have been replaced

dn: uid=%VariableUID, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp

changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic
add: pdsRole
pdsRole: student

dn: uid=%VariableUID, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp

changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic
add: pdsRole
pdsRole: student

dn: uid=%VariableUID, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp
changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic

each %VariableUID would be replaced by the next set of digits


1 Answer 1


So after more and more searching I ended up answer my own question with a powershell script. I wasn't able to modifiy an existing template..but I was able to use powershell script to format the txt file to replace my template:

#Location of Source File and Alias
$Source= gc "C:\Users\amoore19\Desktop\LDAP\ui-3rd-party.txt"
#takes each row in the Source File and replace the variable: $ouid in the following format
foreach ($ouid in $Source)
write-output "
dn: uid=$ouid, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp
changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic
add: pdsRole
pdsRole: student"  | Out-File -filepath "C:\Users\amoore19\Desktop\LDAP\ui-3rd-party-test1.txt" -append
#sets the output location filename and appends each invidiual output at the bottom of existing output (instead of replacing)

Results look like this:

dn: uid=437735121495324, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp
changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic
add: pdsRole
pdsRole: student

dn: uid=323099286491410, ou=People, o=aims.edu, o=cp
changetype: modify
delete: pdsRole
pdsRole: generic
add: pdsRole
pdsRole: student

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