I have a string with repeated consecutive comas, and I want to insert a character between the comas, for example a zero. When I run re.sub what it returns is:

re.sub(r",,", ",0," , "a,,,,,,,,,,,,,a",)

and the result that I want is all the substitutions, like:


I understand why it's is happening, there is overlapping in the pattern, but I don't know how to fix it.

2 Answers 2


You can use a lookahead to match a comma that is followed by another comma, and replace matches with ",0", for example:

>>> re.sub(r",(?=,)", ",0", "a,,,,,,,,,,,,,a")

Or alternatively without regular expressions:

>>> ",".join(x or "0" for x in "a,,,,,,,,,,,,,a".split(","))

This achieves the desired result:

In [1]: re.sub(r",,", ",0,0" , "a,,,,,,,,,,,,,a",)
Out[1]: 'a,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a'

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