I am sending packets of data to a desktop application using PHP Curl, this works using a specific IP address and port to request and post information.

What I need to do now is the opposite and send information from a desktop application and process them on the web as soon as I receive them.

The information will be sent in XML format.

I've been looking into how I can achieve this and so far I have come across NuSOAP and PHP. I am just wondering if this is the way forward to achieve what it is I need to do.

As much information would be great! Thanks

1 Answer 1


This is actually a one-liner in php:

$xml = simplexml_load_file('php://input');

This assumes that

  • php is running behind a web server (typically, Apache)
  • the request is a standard HTTP POST request
  • xml data is sent raw in a request body

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