I got the following XML


I work with the given XML using CXML-STP and I only want to print the "wannaprint" section.

I am trying to achieve this using serialize:

 (let ((last-step 
     (cxml-stp:filter-children #'(lambda(node)
                       (and (typep node 'stp:element)
                        (string= (stp:local-name node)
 </EXAMPLE>" (stp:make-builder)))))))
   (FORMAT t "last-step:~a~%" last-step)

But the result is simply "nil" and I do not understand why, as the printing of the "last-step" variable shows that the correct element has been selected.

How can I serialize/print an element of the cxml-stp:document into a string?

1 Answer 1


According to the documentation for cxml:make-string-sink, the string sinks return their strings as a result of a call to sax:end-document, so one thing you could do would be:

(let ((sink (cxml:make-string-sink)))
   (let ((last-step 
           (cxml-stp:filter-children #'(lambda(node)
                                         (and (typep node 'stp:element)
                                              (string= (stp:local-name node)
     (FORMAT t "last-step:~a~%" last-step)
  (sax:end-document sink))

This seems a little icky, but there doesn't seem to be a mechanism exported to get at the ystream inside the sink.

Another way to do it would be to put your element (that is, last-step) in a document. I thought it would be as simple as (stp:make-document last-step) but it complains that the element already has a parent and I don't remember how to get around that right now. In any case, you might not want a document because its serialization includes the prelude (<?xml...?>).

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