Good morning!

Would like to perform a search with several words that will be passed on the html input.


  • If you enter "gfilgueiras" will return 3 records.
  • If you enter "informativo gfilgueiras" will return 2 records.
  • If you enter "gfilgueiras :: 2" will return only 1 record.

I do a direct search for viewLogs.

I tried the concat, but did not succeed.

I'm sorry if my English is not good, I'm using a translator.

Sample Data:


Thank you all.

  • Please share the query you are using to search. May 6, 2014 at 4:55
  • What is the order you wish to search? Like <serverid>[login]<ip> ?
    – Hans
    May 6, 2014 at 4:56
  • SELECT * FROM viewLogs WHERE concat(ip,login, descricao, data, hora, acao, severidade) REGEXP "gfilgueiras" May 6, 2014 at 5:02
  • have you tried like '%gfilgueiras%' instead of REGEXP "gfilgueiras"?
    – Bryan P
    May 6, 2014 at 5:04
  • It's work, but i need more arguments in my query example: gfilgueiras erro May 6, 2014 at 5:08

2 Answers 2


What you want is not possible, you need to use AND on your WHERE clause, assuming the search word delimiter is space.

// $searchWord is informativo gfilgueiras
if(!empty($searchWord)) {

     // separates the searched word by space and puts it in array, if no space, put in array.
     $searchWords = strpos($searchWord,' ') !== false ? explode(' ',$searchWord) : array($searchWord);

     // this is just an example, use sql prepared statement for this
     $sqlString = "SELECT * FROM viewLogs WHERE concat(ip,login, descricao, data, hora, acao, severidade) REGEXP '$searchWord[0]' ";

     if(count($searchWords) > 0) {
         if(isset($searchWords[0])) {
             foreach($searchWords as $index => $searchWord) {
                 if($index > 0) {
                     // this is just an example, use sql prepared statement for this
                     $sqlString .= "AND WHERE concat(ip,login, descricao, data, hora, acao, severidade) REGEXP '$searchWord'";
SELECT * FROM viewLogs WHERE concat(all field you want ) REGEXP "gfilgueiras"
  • It's work, but i need more arguments example: gfilgueiras erro May 6, 2014 at 5:08

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