In the bluebird docs, they have this as an anti-pattern that stops optimization.. They call it argument leaking,

function leaksArguments2() {
    var args = [].slice.call(arguments);

I do this all the time in Node.js. Is this really a problem. And, if so, why?

Assume only the latest version of Node.js.

  • The point they are trying to make is that arguments are crucial for optimizations that V8 does. Given how you can mutate arguments in a function in ways similar to pass-by-reference, this means V8 has to recheck already existing signatures again. Because of this V8 would never be able to guess the data-types to optimize function calls.
    – user568109
    May 7, 2014 at 10:21
  • @user568109 some uses of arguments are supported by the optimizing compiler - those that don't require a materialized arguments object, such as arguments[i] or arguments.length (where i is valid index)
    – Esailija
    May 7, 2014 at 10:22
  • Yes, mentioned as safe usage at the end of the section 3 of documentation.
    – user568109
    May 7, 2014 at 11:00

2 Answers 2


Disclaimer: I am the author of the wiki page

It's a problem if the containing function is called a lot (being hot). Functions that leak arguments are not supported by the optimizing compiler (crankshaft).

Normally when a function is hot, it will be optimized. However if the function contains unsupported features like leaking arguments, being a hot function doesn't help and it will continue running slow generic code.

The performance of an optimized function compared to an unoptimized one is huge. For example consider a function that adds 3 doubles together: http://jsperf.com/213213213 21x difference.

What if it added 6 doubles together? 29x difference Generally the more code the function has, the more severe the punishment is for that function to run in unoptimized mode.

For node.js stuff like this in general is actually a huge problem due to the fact that any cpu time completely blocks the server. Just by optimizing the url parser that is included in node core (my module is 30x faster in node's own benchmarks), improves the requests per second of mysql-express from 70K rps to 100K rps in a benchmark that queries a database.

Good news is that node core is aware of this

  • How could I possibly know what is hot or not? Is that wikipage the only resource on this? This is absolutely new to me. Never heard of this. In fact, I have patches to submit here. This is pretty rudimentary stuff that I've been doing wrong -- and some people whom I regard as being much better than me May 7, 2014 at 19:03
  • 1
    @EvanCarroll "hot function" means a function that is being called a lot, you know what functions are called a lot by having an understanding of the program, using profilers or counters and so on.
    – Esailija
    May 7, 2014 at 19:10
  • aww, I thought hot meant optimizatable in this context. The question remains, is there a more authoritative source on what what is optimizable in V8 than the wiki page for bluebird? Is there a description anywhere of %GetOptimizationStatus 1-6 and what they mean exactly, and what causes those statuses. May 7, 2014 at 19:14
  • 1
    @EvanCarroll getoptimizationstatus is "documented" here github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/runtime.cc#L8721-L8753
    – Esailija
    May 7, 2014 at 19:16
  • 1
    V8 internals are hard to find. I believe it optimizes functions which are hot and stable. Stable meaning they have consistent pattern in function call datatypes. Meaning their argument does not change much (or in a pattern). Based on this they profile functions accordingly -> premonomorphic (initial), monomorphic (fixed arg), megamorphic/polymorphic (more than once). I could find few links for this cs.au.dk/~jmi/VM/IC-V8.pdf and wingolog.org/archives/2011/07/05/v8-a-tale-of-two-compilers.
    – user568109
    May 8, 2014 at 5:35

Is this really a problem

For application code, no. For almost any module/library code, no. For a library such as bluebird that is intended to be used pervasively throughout an entire codebase, yes. If you did this in a very hot function in your application, then maybe yes.

I don't know the details but I trust the bluebird authors as credible that accessing arguments in the ways described in the docs causes v8 to refuse to optimize the function, and thus it's something that the bluebird authors consider worth using a build-time macro to get the optimized version.

Just keep in mind the latency numbers that gave rise to node in the first place. If your application does useful things like talking to a database or the filesystem, then I/O will be your bottleneck and optimizing/caching/parallelizing those will pay vastly higher dividends than v8-level in-memory micro-optimizations such as above.

  • Not knowing the details on a question that asks why is not that useful. You're just taking it on faith that this optimization in bluebird was for Node, and not something else. Or, that it even works at all. May 7, 2014 at 6:01
  • I know this is not the comprehensive answer you may be hoping for and I hope someone else posts such an answer. It's not "faith" but it is indeed relying on the bluebird docs which are pretty explicit about v8 in particular. As to whether it works at all, given your rep you are clearly capable of writing 2 .js files to prove/disprove that to your own satisfaction. You should clarify whether you mean "why does v8 refuse to optimize these functions" vs "why is this a performance concern". The answer to the former is usually "they haven't figured out a safe way yet". May 7, 2014 at 6:12

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