I've built a sortable and connected with a draggable list just like plenty of others. However, if I don't use the clone helper on the draggable, the drag placeholder gets offset and the placement of it gets messed up. But when I do use clone, the cloned item doesn't have the item ID, which I was intending to pass back to the server on stop.

What's the best way to handle this? Should I use a data element on the li to store the 'value' of the li?

Second questions-- on stop I want to remove a class from the dropped element, and add a new class. However I can't figure out how to reference this element. this doesn't work, and the other objects passed in to the stop event are ui and event-- ui.helper looked like it may have the info I need, but this doesn't seem to work either.


Fiddle here:http://jsfiddle.net/37tdS/

  • 1
    You could continue to use clone but when you start the drag, copy the ID to a data() property attached to the object being dragged. On the second question, why not use the drop event on the droppable container to reference the dropped element via $(this)?
    – DevlshOne
    May 10, 2014 at 3:34
  • @DevlshOne-- thanks, you put me on the right track. I ended up using update rather than the drop event so I could apply styles to the cloned element rather than the original. New fiddle here: jsfiddle.net/37tdS/6
    – user101289
    May 10, 2014 at 17:39
  • Glad you got it worked out!
    – DevlshOne
    May 12, 2014 at 11:58


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