Suppose I have a collections.OrderedDict object and a re-arranged list of its keys:

ordereddict = collections.OrderedDict((
    ('key_78', 'value'),
    ('key_40', 'value'),
    ('key_96', 'value'),
    ('key_53', 'value'),
    ('key_04', 'value'),
    ('key_89', 'value'),
    ('key_52', 'value'),
    ('key_86', 'value'),
    ('key_16', 'value'),
    ('key_63', 'value'),

# Example only; actual list will **not** == sorted(ordereddict)
key_list = ['key_04', 'key_16', 'key_40', 'key_52', 'key_53', 'key_63', 'key_78', 'key_86', 'key_89', 'key_96']

How can I sort the OrderedDict so that it is ordered in the same way as the key_list?

  • Is there any reason to avoid creating a new ordereddict? Because that's easy ...
    – mgilson
    May 10, 2014 at 23:08
  • why do you want a list of keys to sort the keys, why not just sort the keys themselves? May 11, 2014 at 2:08

2 Answers 2


Just create a new OrderedDict:

newdct = OrderedDict((key, olddct[key]) for key in sortedlist)

If you really need this to happen in place, you can clear the olddct and update it with the new one:

  • I tested the performance (with timeit), and my method was 2-4 times faster. Apart from that, modifying the dict in place is also more suited to its use in my program.
    – kiri
    May 10, 2014 at 23:23
  • @minerz029 Your method requires Python 3, though. May 11, 2014 at 7:06
  • @user4815162342: I'm using Python 3.3, but I'll add a note to my answer.
    – kiri
    May 11, 2014 at 7:46
  • 1
    @minerz029 -- Also, what exactly did you time? Did you time just creating a new dict or also clearing the old and updating it? In general, you probably don't need do steps 2 and 3 and I would argue that the code is more clear which is worth spending a few extra microseconds on :-)
    – mgilson
    May 11, 2014 at 20:29

Use the following:

def sort_by_list(dict_, list_):
    for key in list_:

sort_by_list(ordereddict, key_list)

This only works if the list_ contains all the keys in the dict, and on Python 3.2 or later.

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