Last week I found this awesome text editor "Sublime Text 3" and I love the plugins.

Everything is working except the SublimeLinter plugin and the plugins that add language specific linting to it.

I have a problem with PHP and JavaScript working together with the following:

php does work but I dont know how to get JavaScript to work. For php what I did is go to Pref>pac set>Sublime Linter>Settings-User Then I set the following:

 "paths": { "linux": [], "osx": [], "windows": [ "C:/Users/**/Documents/php-5.5.11-nts-Win32-VC11-x86/" ] },

(in the ** is my pc name)

That is working perfectly. But I know I have to install node.js that is what I have done.

I made a build system:

{   "cmd": ["C:/Program Files/nodejs", "$file"],   "selector": "source.js"   }

It is not working, and did this one too:

{   "cmd": ["node", "$file"],   }

I have installed: sublimelinter, sublimelinter-php, sublimelinter-jsl, and sublimelinter-jshint.

It would be very nice if you could explain everything step by step what to do to fix this.

1 Answer 1


Each independent linter plugin for SublimeLinter 3 has its own dependencies/prerequisites. I would strongly recommend you to read carefully its specific installation and settings instructions on GitHub and the relevant SublimeLinter 3 new documentation if necessary, especially as this plugin was widely rewritten for Sublime Text 3.

For instance, your Windows SublimeLinter-php configuration seems correct: you just made your linter executable (here: php) directory available to SublimeLinter via your user settings, whatever your system PATH settings, which is the quickest and usually the easiest method.

On the other hand, the SublimeLinter-jshint plugin definetely requires besides its own installation (with Sublime Package Manager):

  1. properly installing Node.js and NPM: just grab and launch the latest Windows installer (msi file), which will setup both;

  2. and installing the jshint package via your terminal: npm install -g jshint.

It is pretty straightforward: your linter will work right after a Sublime Text restart. If need be, you will just have to configure jshint "lintering options" (most probably using .jshintrc files, without any Sublime Linter user setting needed).

Configuring sublimelinter-jsl is anothe case. It requires installing the relevant executable i.e. JavaScript Lint (which is not a node package), and ensuring that its path is available to SublimeLinter.

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