What is the proper way to test if a class/method has a type hinted parameter with the reflection class.

How can I test if it exists, is type hinted or not without throwing errors.

What I have sofar returns a notice if it is not type hinted.

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in 

(if I use) getClass()->getName();

 $p = new ReflectionParameter(array(get_called_class(), $method), 0);
    if ($p) { // not working
        echo "param exists"; 

1 Answer 1


This is what are you looking for ?

interface CommandInterface

class Dummy
    public function execute(
        CommandInterface $command,
        $when = 'now',
        $delayed = true,
        $append = null
    ) {

$reflector = new \ReflectionClass('Dummy');
foreach($reflector->getMethod('execute')->getParameters() as $param)
    $type = ($param->getClass()) ?
        $param->getClass()->name :

    echo sprintf('Parameter "%s" of type "%s"'.PHP_EOL, $param->getName(), $type);


Parameter "command" of type "CommandInterface"
Parameter "when" of type "string"
Parameter "delayed" of type "boolean"
Parameter "append" of type "NULL"
  • this looks like a sound implementation so I can close this question. I used the shortcut @ to suppress the warning if it's not a class,but if your code does not need it, it is definitivly better.
    – Richard
    May 22, 2014 at 9:06

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