I have an Alloy specification to represent a subset of java programming language. Below we have some part of this model:

  abstract sig Type {}

  one sig void_ extends Type {}

  abstract sig PrimitiveType extends Type {}

  one sig Int_, Long_ extends PrimitiveType {}

  sig Method {
       id : one MethodId,
       param: lone Type,
       acc: lone Accessibility,
       return: one Type,
       b: one Body
     (return=void_) => ( 
        ( (b=ConstructorMethodInvocation) => (b.cmethodInvoked).return = void_) ||
        ( (b=MethodInvocation) => ((b.id_methodInvoked).return = void_) ) 

    abstract sig Body {}

    sig MethodInvocation extends Body {
        id_methodInvoked : one Method,
        q: lone Qualifier

    sig ConstructorMethodInvocation extends Body {
        id_Class : one Class,
        cmethodInvoked: one Method
        [email protected] != private_
        this.@cmethodInvoked in ((this.@id_Class).*extend).methods

In this code, there is a type error in Method signature, that is:

This cannot be a legal relational join where
left hand side is this . (this/Method <: b) .
(this/ConstructorMethodInvocation <: cmethodInvoked) (type =
right hand side is this . (this/Method <: return) (type =

And i am not understanding why.

Thanks in advance,

1 Answer 1


The problem is that "return" is implicitely scoped and thus represents the result of "this.return", i.e. "return" is already a "Type", not a relation from "Method" to "Type".

A possible solution is to avoid the implicit scoping by using a separate "fact" section and explicitly quantify over all "Methods":

fact {
  all m: Method | (m.return = void_ .....
  • Thank you for the answer, wmeyer, but i do not understand why return is not a relation from "Method", why "return" is implicitely scoped? could you give me more details?
    – Tarciana
    May 19, 2014 at 13:18
  • "return" is implicitly scoped because it is used inside of a signature fact. See Alloy 3.0 Reference Manual (can be found with Google). Quote: "Like any other fact, the signature fact is a constraint that always holds. Unlike other facts, however, a signature fact is implicitly quantified over the signature set. Given the signature declaration sig S {…} { F} the signature fact F is interpreted as if one had written an explicit fact fact{ allthis: S | F’}
    – wmeyer
    May 19, 2014 at 14:06
  • ok, thank you again for the clarification, wmeyer, but what i remain not understanding is: why return (as a valid relation of Method signature) can not be used in a signature fact?
    – Tarciana
    May 20, 2014 at 1:47

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