I use Perl regex in UltraEdit to find and replace text with no problem. But lately, I've needed a lot to replace digits (numbers) I find with another number generated from the found number by applying mathematical operations. For example, I search for a three digits number \d\d\d, let's say I found 264. What I need is to replace the found number with another number by adding, for example, 5, then it should be replaced with 269. Thanks in advance!

  • StackOverflow is for programming questions. Questions about how to use your editor belong on Super User.
    – ikegami
    May 18, 2014 at 22:29

3 Answers 3


In Perl, you can use the /e ("evaluate") modifier:


I'm not sure about its availability in UltraEdit, though.

  • I used Find: (\d\d\d) and Replaced with: s/(\d\d\d)/$1+5/e. But the result was s/(ddd)/264+5/e, not 269.
    – Omar
    May 18, 2014 at 21:44
  • @user3503851 , s/// is Perl operator. Makes no sense to use it as the replacement expression. Only $1+5 is the replacement expression. But of course, there's no equivalent to e in UE.
    – ikegami
    May 18, 2014 at 22:25

UltraEdit does not have give the capability to execute code (of any kind) to generate the replacement value.

You could easily use perl to do the task, though.

perl -i.bak -e"s/(\d\d\d)/$1+5/eg" file

Or if you want to use wildcards,

perl -MFile::DosGlob=glob -i.bak -e"BEGIN { @ARGV = map glob($_), @ARGV } s/(\d\d\d)/$1+5/eg" *.txt

UltraEdit has the capability to execute code as UltraEdit has a scripting support since version 13.00 which uses the JavaScript core engine.

Here is an UltraEdit script for searching in a file for all numbers with exactly 3 digits and increase all found numbers by a value of 5.

if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0)  // Is any file opened?
   // Define environment for this script.
   // Move caret to top of the active file.
   // Define the parameters for the Perl regular expression find.
   if (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.searchInColumn) == "boolean")
   // Search in a loop for numbers with exactly 3 digits, convert each
   // found number as string selected in the active file to a number,
   // increment the number by 5 and write the number converted back
   // to string over the found number string.
      var nNumber = parseInt(UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection,10);
      nNumber += 5;
   // Move caret back to top of the file.

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