I've definitely seen some REST APIs out there that can do this but I'm sure there's a WinRT/Windows Phone 8 Store App way of calculating driving distance (preferably with traffic) between two Geolocations points (lat/long).

I see ways of doing it by returning a map on the phone with the details, but I just want the distance information returned without going to a mapping UI or control.

This would preferably work on a tablet (WindowsRT) as well but Phone is the focus at the moment.

1 Answer 1


Bing Maps REST API is the way to do it.

Here's the documentation and a sample. You can find one way of how to use these with .NET here.

  • I finally stumbled upon the documentation after trying a few different keywords. It's only for Phone, though, so I'll have to use your suggestion for tablet. Thanks!
    – RichC
    May 20, 2014 at 1:34

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