I want to write a todo list app in rails4, and the todo list app will look like

1.task one    
  *todo 1    
  *todo 2    
2.task two    
  *todo 1    
  *todo 2

So I want to demo all the things in the task's index, which also fetch their tasks' todos separately. Now, my url will look like project/1/tasks, and this will show all the things I need.

I don't know how to do it. I have two tables: tasks and todos. So, currently I have a thought, which renders 'todos/index' in 'tasks/index', so I need to pass a parameter task_id in order to fetch the todos separately.

How do I get parameter task_id in todos_controller? And I will not access it by url, I will render it in task's index view.

1 Answer 1


You should use nested resources:


For example:

# routes.rb
resources :tasks do
  resources :todos

And in your todos controller

# todos_controller.rb
def index
  @task = Task.find(params[:task_id])
  @todos = @task.todos
  # ...

def show
  @task = Task.find(params[:task_id])
  @todos = @task.todos.find(params[:id])
  # ...
  • here is the problem I already use the nested resources resources :projects do resources :tasks end And I don't want to use a three-level nested resources. May 22, 2014 at 5:44

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