I want to use the Java Robot class in order to move the mouse over a link to dynamically create more content. For the web interactions I use the Selenium WebDriver.

    Point coordinates = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[@id='1234']/a")).getLocation();
    Robot robot;
    try {
        robot = new Robot();
    } catch (AWTException e1) {

Selenium throws an error for the getLocation function:

Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Cannot determine size of element

Does anybody know what am I doing wrong?

3 Answers 3


mouseover action you can achieve (Actions class) without using Robot also.

new Actions(driver).moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[@id='1234']/a"))).perform();

include below import statement in your file.

import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
  • 2
    Sorry but I need Robot because Actions is not working in my case.
    – cruxi
    May 28, 2014 at 15:26

If you just want to make a mouse movement on the page, Selenium interactions can help you do the same.

Here is the sample code for you

WebElement myLink = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[@id='1234']/a"));

Actions act = new Actions(driver);

// if you want to click on the link : 

// if you want to move to the element and then click onthe link : 

// or can be done in two different steps like this : 
act = act.moveToElement(myLink);

For doing this we should import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

Hope this solves your problem.


I tried this and it seems to work for me. Please check

Point p = webele.getLocation();
int x = p.getX();
int y = p.getY();
Dimension d = webele.getSize();
int h = d.getHeight();
int w = d.getWidth();
Robot r = new Robot();
r.mouseMove(x + (w/2), y+(h/2) +80);

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