i'm trying to show a value from my model, when select box value changes. my code it's like this.

<%= f.label :nit , "Client Nit:" %>
  <%= f.collection_select(:nit, Client.all, :nit, :nit, :prompt => "Select a  NIT")%>

My Client model has a name and a Nit, i need to display the value according to my Nit Selection For example:

I have in my table:


12345678=>John Doe

987654321=>Bruce Wayne

327654=>Clark Kent

If i choose the first one in the select box, i need to display "John Doe".

I'm trying to do this but nothing works for me.

1 Answer 1


Try this

<%= f.collection_select(:nit, Client.all,:nit,:name,:prompt => "Select a NIT")%>

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