I'm using groovy to write a script that replaces UNC server names and a part of the directory structure. I have the following:

def patternToFind = /\\\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\\share\\([a-zA-Z]+)/
def patternToReplace = '\\\\\\\\SHARESERVER\\\\share\\\\OPS'

This works, but all those \'s are pretty ugly. I understand in the regex why \\\\ is used to find \\, but what is confusing me is why in the replacement I'm doing I have to use four \'s to equal one \.

If anyone has a nicer way to do this I would greatly appreciate it. The goal is to replace


with the correct value for <server> and <env>


EDIT: I guess I should clarify. SHARESERVER and OPS are actually variables. So truly the end result would be something like:

def serverName = //some passed in server
def env = //some passed in env

def patternToFind = /\\\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\\NAS\\([a-zA-Z]+)/
def patternToReplace = '\\\\\\\\' + serverName + '\\\\share\\\\' + env

So the only way I think of doing it is building a string literal to replace the section I'm looking for with.

And I'll be the first to admit that I suck at reg ex, so if you can use them to capture a value in a string and replace just that value with another, I'm all ears.

  • Thanks for the edit! Was trying to figure out how to escape those characters
    – Cthulhujr
    Jun 2, 2014 at 18:59
  • Can't you use the same slashy string format used for patternToFind? /\\\\SHARESERVER\\share\\OPS/
    – dmahapatro
    Jun 2, 2014 at 19:13

2 Answers 2


Doesn't it work with

def patternToReplace = $/\\SHARESERVER\share\OPS/$
  • Yup it should assert ($/\\SHARESERVER\share\OPS/$ ==~ /\\\\SHARESERVER\\share\\OPS/). Forgot about the $/ dollar slashy string. :)
    – dmahapatro
    Jun 2, 2014 at 19:15

If you want to use a literal replacement string (as opposed to one that involves $n backreferences) with a regular expression in Java then the safest thing to do is use Matcher.quoteReplacement:

def patternToReplace = Matcher.quoteReplacement(/\\SHARESERVER\shares\OPS/)
  • Ha... well spotted. According to my experiments this doubles single backslashes. Despite the method name... and despite the slightly cryptic Javadoc: "Slashes ('\') and dollar signs ('$') will be given no special meaning" Apr 28, 2018 at 17:54

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