I am building an application with Codeigniter and need some help with a DB query.

I have a table called users with the following fields:

user_id, user_name, user_password, user_email, user_role, user_manager_id

In my app, I pull all records from the user table using the following:

function get_clients()
    $this->db->where('user_role', 'client');
    $this->db->order_by("user_name", "Asc");
    $query = $this->db->get("users");
    return $query->result_array();

This works as expected, however when I display the results in the view, I also want to display a new column called Manager which will display the managers user_name field.

The user_manager_id is the id of the user from the same table.

Im guessing you can create an outer join on the same table but not sure.

In the view, I am displaying the returned info as follows:

<table class="table table-striped" id="zero-configuration">
    foreach($clients as $row)

            <td><?php echo $row['user_name']; ?> (<?php echo $row['user_username']; ?>)</td>
            <td><?php echo $row['user_email']; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $row['???']; ?></td>


Any idea of how I can form the query and display the manager name is the view?


user_id   user_name  user_password   user_email       user_role   user_manager_id
1         Ollie      adjjk34jcd      [email protected]   client     null
2         James      djklsdfsdjk     [email protected]   client     1

When i query the database, i want to display results like this:

Ollie [email protected]

James [email protected] Ollie


1 Answer 1


You can use $this->db->join()


function get_clients()
    $this->db->select('u1.* , u2.user_name as manager_user_name');
    $this->db->where('u1.user_role', 'client');
    $this->db->join('users u2 ', 'u2.user_id = u1.user_manager_id', 'left outer'); 
    $this->db->order_by("u1.user_name", "Asc");
    $query = $this->db->get("users u1");
    return $query->result_array();


<td><?php echo $row['manager_user_name']; ?></td>


  • I think you will want to move order_by below join
    – Dan
    Jun 3, 2014 at 2:11
  • haha. sorry @dan maybe i forgot. but i think it is no problem. because query will be executed in in $this->db->get("users"); #cmiiw
    – bekt
    Jun 3, 2014 at 2:33
  • Sorry guys, maybe i didnt make this clear. I only have the one table.Each user has an id and a manager id. Jun 3, 2014 at 3:15
  • you can identify one table as different two table with table alias name. and change the join to outer join be $this->db->join('users u2 ', 'u2.user_id = u1.user_manager_id', 'left outer');
    – bekt
    Jun 3, 2014 at 4:10

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