I have a simple ng-repeat that throws out data, one of fields it displays is NumberOfStamps:

<tr ng-repeat-start="list in Data.Items ">
   <td><a href=" {[{list.Title}]} {[{list.ForeName}]} {[{list.SurName}]}</a></td>
   <td>(Date of Birth {[{list.Dob}]})</td>
   <td>{[{list.NumberOfStamps}]}  stamps</td>

Example output:

Mr Adam Happy  Date of Birth 01/6/1984     16 stamps
Mr Adam Sad    Date of Birth 24/11/1975    0 stamps
Mr Adam Green  Date of Birth 02/1/1963     1 stamps
Mr Adam Red    Date of Birth 21/1/1951     12 stamps
Mr Adam Blue   Date of Birth 28/10/1998    0 stamps
Mr Adam Brown  Date of Birth 25/9/2010     0 stamps
Mr Adam Black  Date of Birth 24/8/1954     21 stamps
Mr Adam Violet Date of Birth 17/5/1942     54 stamps

How can i modify this ng-repeat to only show records where the NumberOfStams is > 0? I've tried:

<tr ng-repeat-start="list in Data.Items | filter:{NumberOfStamps > 0}">
   <td><a href=" {[{list.Title}]} {[{list.ForeName}]} {[{list.SurName}]}</a></td>
   <td>(Date of Birth {[{list.Dob}]})</td>
   <td>{[{list.NumberOfStamps}]}  stamps</td>

Expected output:

Mr Adam Happy  Date of Birth 01/6/1984     16 stamps
Mr Adam Green  Date of Birth 02/1/1963     1 stamps
Mr Adam Red    Date of Birth 21/1/1951     12 stamps
Mr Adam Black  Date of Birth 24/8/1954     21 stamps
Mr Adam Violet Date of Birth 17/5/1942     54 stamps
  • can you put it in a plnkr or fiddle please
    – guru
    Jun 6, 2014 at 11:41
  • @guru - is there not enough information there??
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 11:42

5 Answers 5


Create a predicate function on the relevant scope:

$scope.greaterThan = function(prop, val){
    return function(item){
      return item[prop] > val;

As a first argument, it takes a property name on the object. The second argument is an integer value.

Use it in your view like this:

<tr ng-repeat-start="list in Data.Items | filter: greaterThan('NumberOfStamps', 0)">


  • Thanks for the post and link, whats the benefit of using/creating a predicate over other people solutions?
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:16
  • 1
    The solution is best expressed as a filter, close to what you originally tried. One answer currently posted is not a filter, and the other only negates 0 values - it doesn't do a greater than comparison.
    – Marc Kline
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:20
  • I understand your comments, and your code is neat and simple.. Only reason i questioned it because i 'expected' Angular to have a 'one or two word' way of doing it.
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:40
  • 1
    I was trying to wonder how to do conditionals in filter. And this helped me alot. :) Sep 5, 2014 at 15:02
  • This solution is very elegant; thank you very much. Just learned a better way to do something.
    – Amir Mog
    Mar 25, 2017 at 19:57

You can create a filter with ng-if like this:

<li ng-repeat="seller in sellers" ng-if="seller.sales > 0" >{{ seller.name }}</li>
  • I personally prefer this approach rather than using the filters as it gives a bit more flexibility. Apr 4, 2016 at 15:31
  • 5
    This is easy to implement but becomes annoying when we rely on ng-repeat $index integrity, for example if $first / $last / etc doesn't have seller.sales then we can't apply special markup which is a common use case for me.
    – irth
    Jul 5, 2016 at 23:47
  • I know this approach is better than creating a custom filter.Now how can I get the count of sellers after ng-if applied in template? Nov 8, 2017 at 6:00
<tr ng-repeat-start="Data.Items in list = ( Data.Item | filter:{NumberOfStamps : !0}">
   <td><a href=" {[{list.Title}]} {[{list.ForeName}]} {[{list.SurName}]}</a></td>
   <td>(Date of Birth {[{list.Dob}]})</td>
   <td>{[{list.NumberOfStamps}]}  stamps</td>
  • In your post youve got Data.Items and Data.Item... Is it Item or Items??
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:07
  • My mistake: Data.Items
    – Dinesh ML
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:20
  • 7
    !0 will return a false instead of a number, so won't work for numbers Jan 19, 2015 at 14:37
  • | filter:{ NumberOfStamps: '!0' } works with numbers.. some issues but works
    – oCcSking
    Oct 24, 2018 at 11:04

One possible way would be to remove the items that do not meet the criterai from the DOM using ng-if

<tr ng-repeat-start="list in Data.Items ">
    <td ng-if="list.NumberOfStamps > 0"><a href=" {[{list.Title}]} {[{list.ForeName}]} {[{list.SurName}]}</a></td>
    <td ng-if="list.NumberOfStamps > 0">(Date of Birth {[{list.Dob}]})</td>
    <td ng-if="list.NumberOfStamps > 0">{[{list.NumberOfStamps}]}  stamps</td>

Because you cannot have a div in a tr you have to ng-if the td's seperately, which is not optimal if you have alot of td's

  • I think there is an extra or miss }} in your ng-if
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:11
  • This isnt working in my application. I think it has something to do with a DIV directly below a TR as thats incorrect MARKUP
    – Oam Psy
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:21
  • 1
    @OamPsy you are correct, excuses. I edited my answer but Marc's solution is better
    – Tim
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:31

Take a look at this stack overflow answer. AngularJS - How to structure a custom filter with ng-repeat to return items conditionally it clearly explains how to create a custom angular filter for use with ng-repeat. Once you understand this you will be able to filter out basically anything from an ng-repeat!

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