I am writing a voice command using Advanced Scripting in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 professional (Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate). How can I call another voice command?

1 Answer 1


You can use the command HeardWord.

E.g. if you want to call the command my voice command then you can call it from another advanced script as follows:

Sub Main
HeardWord "my", "voice", "command"
End Sub

Another example, say you want to automatically write down [name](link) assuming that you have link as the most recent clipboard and name as the second most recent clipboard (using Ditto to manage the clipboard history), you can use the command:

Sub Main
    originalClipboard = Clipboard
    SendKeys " ["
    HeardWord "paste", "two"
    Clipboard("](" & originalClipboard & ")")
    SendKeys "^v"
End Sub

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