I have a node.js project local in my computer, right now, I want to push this project to remote Ubuntu server. I have create a project.git on Ubuntu server, and pushed to it. Right now, I want to run this project on the server, but how do I access this folder, it's just a git directory. The process I am following is like below:

Ubuntu server:

mkdir /home/git/project
cd /home/git/project
git init

Local computer:

git remote add origin [email protected]:/home/git/project
git add .
git commit -am "Initial Commit"
git push origin master

It push succeed. Right now, I want to execute this node.js project and run it on the server, but how to turn this git repository to a folder, so I can cd into it and then node app.js after?

1 Answer 1


If you want to see the code on the server side, you should init the repository without --bare option or clone it somewhere else on the server.

Bare repositories store only git specific files.

UPDATE: If you create a repository without --bare option, you can't push anything to that branch where your server is staying. Better solution is if you create a bare repository and clone it somewhere else on the server. Notice that, you should use there git pull command if you want to see your fresh code.

  • Just git init on the server side?
    – yong ho
    Jun 16, 2014 at 15:13
  • Yes, just a simple init without --bare option and the repository will contain your committed files.
    – ttoth
    Jun 17, 2014 at 6:41
  • Thanks, it works. But after I push some file to the master. I can't see the files on the server. But the push are success.
    – yong ho
    Jun 17, 2014 at 9:55
  • You should use git pull, but I've just rembered that you can't push anything to that branch, where you stay on a non-bare remote. So I've updated my answer with more explanation and a better soultion.
    – ttoth
    Jun 17, 2014 at 14:03

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