Is there an easy way to set the backgroundColor of a HDividedBox's (or VDividedBox's) BoxDivider object(s)? A BoxDivider is the "divider" that has the drag handle on it.

By default, the BoxDivider is transparent with the little handle image on it.

There is a dividerSkin style that defaults to mx.skin.BoxDividerSkin which is a reference to a symbol in the Assets.swf file.

Any ideas? Do I have to make an alternate skin? Is that my only option? Googling this led me to many solutions that were weird and hacky and frankly didn't seem to work.


3 Answers 3


OK, here's how you do this:

  1. create a class that extends ProgrammaticSkin
  2. override updatedisplaylist method like this:
override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void
    var divwidth:Number = getStyle("dividerThickness");

    if (divwidth == 0)
        divwidth = 10;

    graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 1.0);
    graphics.drawRect(-(parent.height / 2), -(divwidth / 2), parent.height, divwidth);


then add this to your hdivided box

<mx:HDividedBox dividerSkin="path.MyDividerSkin"/>

by default, the skin gets added to the middle of the divider so you need to offset the x & y...

  • Awesome!, the documentation makes it seem like an easy style change, but when you set the styles it doesn't work. Good job on figuring this out. Mar 11, 2010 at 19:06

Also, you could extend DividedBox and override the updateDisplayList to something like this:

    override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void 


        var n:int = numDividers;
        graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 1.0);
        for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 
            var box:BoxDivider = getDividerAt(i); 
            graphics.drawRect(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);


I'd love to be able to create a simple programmatic skin for each dividedbox. so i can just do this:

<mx:HDividedBox dividerSkin="path.MyDividerSkin"

but I'm having difficulty figuring out what the MyDividerSkin class should look like. You think this would be easy. :)

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