Say I want to consume an API that returns JSON-LD and follow all the links. (I'm experimenting with the Hydra API-Demo, but it should work with all JSON-LD APIs, not only Hydra-based ones. Any good APIs out there that I should try?)

So I want to follow all the links and my environment doesn't have native RDF support. Probably, I should first parse it with one of the libs and get it into extended form with jsonld.expand(). Then I just grab all the values with key @id. Is that the recommended way to do it or am I missing some edge-cases?

1 Answer 1


The purpose of the expansion API is to produce regular, context-free output (expanded form) for algorithmic processing -- which is exactly what it sounds like you want to do. So, yes, you've got the right approach; you shouldn't be missing any edge cases as I've understood you. After you have JSON-LD in expanded form, you can easily follow the @ids (and, if you also need to do some kind of analysis of the vocabulary/ontology, you can follow the properties which will then be fully-expanded URLs).


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