$jsonurl   = "https://graph.facebook.com/$fb_id/feed?limit=25&access_token=$param_tocken";
echo $jsonurl."<br>";
$json      = file_get_contents($jsonurl,0,null,null);
$user_home = json_decode($json, true);

This code only list the comment submitted by others on my post.But I want to get the comments submitted by me on different posts.

2 Answers 2


As far as I know this is not possible via a single Graph API call. Furthermore, you can't use the FQL comment table because fromid is not indexable:


If you want to query be post_id for example and then filter for the respective user via fromid, then it should be possible. But you'd have to query post by post.


Try this

$jsonurl = https://graph.facebook.com/$fb_id/comments?access_token=$param_tocken

I hope this helps you!!

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