I have a django model:

class Field:

choice = models.CharField(choices=choices)

value = models.CharField(max_length=255)  

In my database I have some cases where there are 3 "fields" with the same choice, and some cases where there is 1 field of that choice

How can I order the queryset so it returns, sorted by choice, but with all ones in a set of 3 at the start?

For example

[1,1,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,2,5] where 1,2,3,4,5 are possible choices?

2 Answers 2


This is the best I can do using django's ORM. Basically, just like in SQL, you have to construct a custom order_by statement. In our case, we'll place it in the SELECT and then order by it:

1) Get a list of choices sorted by frequency: [1, 3, 4, 2, 5]

freq_list = (
    Field.objects.values_list('choice', flat=True)
    .annotate(c=Count('id')).order_by('-c', 'choice')

2) Add indexes with enumerate: [(0,1), (1,3), (2,4), (3,2), (4,5)]

enum_list = list(enumerate(freq_list))

3) Create a list of cases: ['CASE', 'WHEN choice=1 THEN 0', ..., 'END']

case_list = ['CASE']
case_list += ["WHEN choice={1} THEN {0}".format(*tup) for tup in enum_list]
case_list += ['END']

4) Combine the case list into one string: 'CASE WHEN choice=1 THEN 0 ...'

case_statement = ' '.join(case_list)

5) Finally, use the case statement to select an extra field 'o' which will be corresponding order, then just order by this field

Field.objects.extra(select={'o': case_statement}).order_by('o')

To simplify all this, you can put the above code into a Model Manager:

class FieldManager(models.Manager):
    def get_query_set(self):
        freq_list = (
            Field.objects.values_list('choice', flat=True)
            .annotate(c=Count('id')).order_by('-c', 'choice')
        enum_list = list(enumerate(freq_list))
        case_list = ['CASE']
        case_list += ["WHEN choice={1} THEN {0}".format(*tup) for tup in enum_list]
        case_list += ['END']
        case_statement = ' '.join(case_list)
        ordered = Field.objects.extra(select={'o': case_statement}).order_by('o')
        return ordered

class Field(models.Model):
    freq_sorted = FieldManager()

Now you can query:


Which will get you a Field QuerySet sorted by frequency of choices

  • It seems when I implement this, Field.objects is no longer there, so Field.objects.values_list('choice', flat=True) doesn't work. Possibly as this model manager is overriding the default one - is there a way to get both?
    – entangly
    Jun 20, 2014 at 9:40
  • @entangly Yeah, you just need to explicitly include the default manager by adding objects = models.Manager() to the Field class.
    – pcoronel
    Jun 20, 2014 at 12:45

You should make a function and detect which is repeated to select unique, then calling from mysql as a function over mysql


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