how could i get the color-code from a linear gradient value using jQuery.Suppose if I have a linear gradient value as

background:linear-gradient(to right, #fff 87%,rgba(238,237,233,0) 100%);

how could i extract the color code from this.I should be getting the final output as #fff in this case..I tried using


which does not help me get the color-code.Could someone help me figure this out.Thanks.. :)


3 Answers 3


One possible solution would be to create a canvas element using the 'selector' class|id to style it.

Then you could establish the RGBA of a pixel on that canvas.. VERY 'hacky' but its the only thing my little brain can think of!

Something like this (Not tested!):

Lets say your html looks something like this :

background:linear-gradient(to right, #fff 87%,rgba(238,237,233,0) 100%);

Then you want to check the background colour .. so we create a canvas object to clone the div at that time.

var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
//apply width and heigh 1px
canvas.css('background-color', $('.background_element').style.backgroundColor);

Then we cant to get the colour of a pixel on this canvas..

var pixelData = this.canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(1, 1, 1, 1).data;
console.log('R: ' + pixelData[0] + '<br>G: ' + pixelData[1] + '<br>B: ' + pixelData[2] + '<br>A: ' + pixelData[3]);

This would log the RGBA to the console.. Maybe..

- Note: I dont recommend this for production env of course, meerly a proof of concept!



You could be very fancy and really strip into the RGBA with HTMLelement.prototype.alpha! :)

Something like :

HTMLElement.prototype.alpha = function(a) {
        current_color = getComputedStyle(this).getPropertyValue("background-color");
        match = /rgba?\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*\d+[\.\d+]*)*\)/g.exec(current_color)
        a = a > 1 ? (a / 100) : a;
        console.log("rgba(" + [match[1],match[2],match[3],a].join(',') +")");

Again very messy but there is a good chance this will be more percise !



 $(function () {
     (function ($) {
         $.fn.rgb2hex = function (prop) {
             return $.map(
               .split(/([rgb|rgba|+[\(]+[\d]+[\,]+[ \d]+[\, \d]+[ \d]+[\)])/)
             , function (value, index) {
                 if (value.indexOf("rgb") != -1) {
                    var _rgba = function () {
                      return $.map(value.replace(/[rgba]|[rgb]|[\(|\)]/g, "")
                             .split(",").map(function (r) {
                             return parseInt(r, 10)
                         }), function (k, v) {
                             var h = k.toString(16);
                             var hex = h.length === 1 ? "0" + h : h;
                             var _hex = [];
                             return _hex;
                     return $.map([$.makeArray([], _rgba())]
                     , function (v, i) {
                         return (v.length === 4 
                                ? "#" + v.slice(0, 3).join("") 
                                : "#" + v.join("")

                 , $("div").rgb2hex("background")

     $("div").html("css background: " 
                  + "<br /><br />" + $("div", this).css("background") 
                  + "<br /><br />" + "rgba to hex: " 
                  + "<br /><br />" + $("div", this).rgb2hex("background")

jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/guest271314/9tgDt/


Fast efficace methode:

<a class="give-it-class" style="display:none" ><?php echo /* your color here  */;?> </a>

& at your jquery:


it will give you the value

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