I am trying to create a nice gallery for an e-commerce. - all the current code is here

The front-end layout I got from here followed the tutorial and it worked like a charm.

Then to add the payment module I decided to add a floating div:

<?php foreach ($tes as $te): ?>
        <div id="<?php echo $te['Product']['id'] ?>">
            <div class="shop-actions">
                <div class="list-group">
                    <span href="#" class="list-group-item active comprar-menu-button">
                        <?php echo __('<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Carrito de Compras'); ?>
                    <span href="#" class="list-group-item comprar-menu">
                        <h3>Agregar al carrito</h3>
                        <?php echo $this->Form->create('Product', array('default' => false, 'inputDefaults' => array(
                                            'div' => 'form-group',
                                            'label' => false,
                                            'wrapInput' => false,
                                            'class' => 'form-control'))); ?>
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-md-12">
                                    echo $this->Form->input('cantidad', array(
                                                                            'options' => array(
                                                                                                50 => "50gr",
                                                                                                100 => "100gr",
                                                                                                150 => "150gr",
                                                                                                200 => "200gr",
                                                                                                250 => "250gr",
                                                                                                500 => "500gr",
                                                                                                1000 => "1kg",
                                                                                                'mayoreo' => "mayoreo",
                                                                            'empty' => '(Seleccionar)',
                            <div class="col-md-12 mayoreo">
                                <div class="input-group">
                                  <?php echo $this->Form->input('mayoreo', array('label' => '', 'type'=>'number')); ?>
                                  <span class="input-group-addon">KG</span>
                            <div class="col-md-12 subtotal">
                                <div id="<?php echo $te['Product']['price']; ?>"><span>$0.00 MXN</span> </div>
                            <div class="col-md-12">
                                <?php   echo $this->Form->submit('Agregar', array('div' => 'form-group','class' => 'btn btn-info col-md-12')); ?>
                        <?php echo $this->Form->end(); ?>
                        <hr />
                        <h4>Ademas en tu carrito</h4>
                            <li>Lung Jing <span class="pull-right">200gr</span></li>
                            <li>Pu Erh <span class="pull-right">1kg</span></li>
                            <li>Lapsang Su shang <span class="pull-right">10kg</span></li>
                        <span class="pull-right">Subtotal: $2,500.00 MXN</span>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <span class="loading"></span>
    <span class="icon close-content"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></span>

Then I tried to add some jQuery to make the UX nice and smooth…

    function formatCurrency(total) {
    var neg = false;
    if(total < 0) {
        neg = true;
        total = Math.abs(total);
    return (neg ? "-$" : '$') + parseFloat(total, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,").toString();
        if ($(this).is(':visible')){

    var value, product, precio, cantidadEspecial;
    value = $(this).val();
    product = $(this).parent().parent();
    precio = $(this).parent().parent().next().next().children();
    cantidadEspecial =product.next();
    if (value === 'mayoreo') {
        precio.children().html('especifique cantidad');
        subtotal = precio.attr('id') * value;
        precio.children().html(formatCurrency(subtotal) + ' MXN');

In theory it works, however it only works for the last element on my teas product.

Expected outcome

When clicking on any element it should:

  • show the div with the shopping cart
  • slideToggle should show the form to add product to shopping cart
  • When selecting an element from dropdown it should:
    • update with correct price

Current outcome

  • Only slideToggle() works for last element on my grid.
  • when changing values on dropdown list it does not make the changes specified.

Additional info

  • To see a live version of how the 3D grid works visit here (this is not the version am currently working with as I havent pushed the changes)
  • The code for live version is here
  • Page Source (HTML Outcome) - here as pointed out by @AlexAtNet

Thank you



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