I have a dictionary variable "d" with key ,an integer, and value as a list of strings.

368501900 ['GH131.hmm  ', 'CBM1.hmm  ']
368499531 ['AA8.hmm  ']
368500556 ['AA7.hmm  ']
368500559 ['GT2.hmm  ']
368507728 ['GH16.hmm  ']
368496466 ['AA2.hmm  ']
368504803 ['GT21.hmm  ']
368503093 ['GT1.hmm  ', 'GT4.hmm  ']

The code is like this:

d = dict()

for key in d:
    dictValue = d[key]

    dictMerged = list(sorted(set(dictValue), key=dictValue.index))
    print (key, dictMerged)

However, I want to remove string after the numbers in the lists so I can have a result like this:

368501900 ['GH', 'CBM']
368499531 ['AA']
368500556 ['AA']
368500559 ['GT']
368507728 ['GH']
368496466 ['AA']
368504803 ['GT']
368503093 ['GT']

I think the code should be inserted between dictValue and dictMerged, but I cannot make a logic. Please, any ideas?

2 Answers 2


import this at the beginning

    import re

now use this line between dictValue and dictMerged

    new_dict_value = [re.sub(r'\d.*', '', x) for x in dictValue]

and then use new_dict_value in the next line

  • Regular expression and oneliner for loop! That's it! Thank you very much!
    – Karyo
    Jun 24, 2014 at 3:30

String objects have a nice .isdigit() method. Here are some non-re solutions for cleaning your data.

Plain old loop:

values = ['GT1.hmm  ', 'GT4.hmm  ']
clean_values = []
for item in values:
    clean_item = []
    for c in item:
        if c.isdigit():

list comprehension using a StopIteration exception to act as a break inside of a generator expression: (Note using this stop() method in a list comprehension doesn't work, it requires a generator expression, normally denoted by (), but inside of a .join() these are optional.

def stop():
    raise StopIteration

values = ['GT1.hmm  ', 'GT4.hmm  ']
clean_values = ["".join(c if not c.isdigit() else stop() for c in item) for item in values]

list comprehension using itertools.takewhile :

from itertools import takewhile

values = ['GT1.hmm  ', 'GT4.hmm  '] 
clean_values = ["".join(takewhile(lambda c: not c.isdigit(),item)) for item in values]

Examples derived from:


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